Is a meme coin with a twist. It aims to be a self-sustaining community-driven cryptocurrency fueled by content creation and user engagement.

*Website and Youtube Channel:*

  The website will host funny Pepe memes, comics, and informative content about $PEPEFUEL

  The Youtube channel will feature entertaining Pepe animations, explainer videos about the coin, and potentially even meme reviews or collaborations with other meme creators.

*Monetization and Coin Growth:*

   All ad revenue from the website and Youtube will be used to buy back $PEPEFUEL coins and burn them. Burning coins reduces the overall supply, which can theoretically increase the value of remaining coins.
  A portion of the ad revenue can also be used for community giveaways and contests to incentivize user engagement and content creation.

*Name Rationale:*

Pepe: Leverages the popularity and meme recognition of Pepe the Frog.
Fuel: Represents the idea that the coin fuels the content creation and community growth.